Human & Food Waste Handling

Human Waste Handling
When it comes to the safe handling of human and food waste in healthcare or commercial environment, we understand the issues surrounding precision control of sterilization and safety systems.
Bedpan Sanitiser
In an intensive and aged care institutions, the safe emptying and sanitizing of bedpans is of major concern to healthcare workers. So a leading Australian company chose PNE to develop control systems for their heavy-duty sanitizers that addressed the failings of many other imported products.
With features such as electric door openers that sense whether the door is closed tight enough before starting the steam clean process, a safety interlock system that stops or re-opens the door if it detects a jam, and automatic cleaning cycle control that ensures steam is delivered at the right temperature for the right duration of time to ensure mandatory requirements are met for this hospital-grade device, this essential behind-the-scenes service is now faster, more efficient, and safer for operators, helping make our customer’s range an industry leader.
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+61 2 8808 0400